Etsy Emergency Relief Grant for Entrepreneurs | $2,000

Who: Must be an Etsy sellers who has experienced a federally declared natural disaster
Deadline: No deadline, on-going
Etsy is committed to helping our creative entrepreneurs recover when disasters disrupt their businesses. They've partnered with CERF+, a nonprofit organization focused on helping artists prepare for and recover from emergencies and disasters, to create a disaster relief fund just for Etsy sellers. Each quarter, they work with CERF+ to award grants to a select number of eligible sellers. Any Etsy seller who has experienced a federally declared disaster within the past year may apply for a grant, as long as they’ve been an active seller on Etsy for at least one year, and their accounts with Etsy are in good standing.
Evaluation Criteria | Etsy Emergency Relief Grant for Entrepreneurs
All applicants must meet the following criteria:
You must be an Etsy seller who has experienced a federally declared natural disaster within the past year
You must have been an active seller on Etsy for at least one year
Your account with Etsy must be in good standing
Etsy and CERF+ will work together to vet applicants on the basis of need and potential impact, as well as making sure that sellers meet the eligibility criteria.
Grantee Obligations
There are no specific requirements on how to allocate the funds.
This grant is for entrepreneurs who has experienced a federally declared natural disaster. The selected recipients will receive a $2,000 grant.
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